My Egyptans

My Droas
My Egyptans
My Equines
My Felines
Other Worlds

Entering the next clearing, you are startled to find sand and heat. You had been expecting something dark, like Paaie's home! Looking around, you spy the shade of trees, and head on over to it. Hanging on the tree is a scroll, with the following information on it. You read it, but can't see the Egyptan anywhere. Off in the distance, you spot another group of trees, and head over to them. There's a pond there, with a sandy colored Egyptan adult resting beside it. Suddenly, you hear a masculine voice speaking inside your head. *Hello there, stranger, and welcome to my home. Would you like to see what I'm working on?* Following him down a tunnel, you come to a home remarkable like Paaie's, except that where her portal was labled Pratap, his is labled Paaie. Inside his workshop, you can see sculptures that he's working on. *They're made out of sand, earth, and water. I fix them by raising the temperature in a special room. I make glass sculptures too.* Heading back up to the surface, you say good-bye to him, and set off for the next Egyptan's clearing.


Egyptan's Name: Pratap (means either "heat" or "glory")
Egyptan's Gender: male
Tribe: Adobe
Parents: Wild
Cubs: Melia, ?, ?, ?, ?
Age : adult
Color: adobe
Personality: lovable and quiet, he's smitten with Paaie!
Mate: Paaie
Other: An adobe is able to withstand the heat of a desert
or a forge, and is used to the company of people or other
Abilities: He can manipulate sand, wind, and heat. He can also draw water from beneath the surface of the earth, but it takes a lot of energy! It's much easier to encourage the flow of water from an already existing source.

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