Looking around, you're awaed by how lush everything
is. Snce this is Paaie and Pratap's daughter, you would have thought that she would have been a sand or darkness type. Instead,
she's an Earth type. Looking closer, you notice that these are ash trees that you're in, which seems fitting, considering
that she's an ashy pearl. Wandering around the clearing that you found yourself in, you discover a cave, with a sandy floor
and shelving all around. There' also a pool in the second chamber, with holes in the ceiling to let light in. In a third chamber,
you find two portals, leading to Paaie and Pratap, you assume. Back in the main chamber, you discover a hidden room, with
a bed tucked inside, along with a cocoon lying on it! You immeadiately notice the protection spells and plants all around.
heading outside, you find a garden and a stream, along with a second cave. You hesitantly enter, and discover that it is set
up as a workshop, for Melia when she is older. Leaving the workshop, yo find a scroll, with the following information on it.
Heaving a sigh, you finally leave the clearing awaiting it's inhabitant's birth.