My Egyptans

My Droas
My Egyptans
My Equines
My Felines
Other Worlds

Looking around, you can see shimmering colors that are constantly changing. There are paints lying waiting in a corner, as well as a soft couch with an Egyptan cub sleeping on it. You have the same feeling of peace that you had in Chanda's clearing. Wandering over to the scroll, you see that they are siblings, so it's no wonder that they have similar colors in their respective clearings.


Egyptan's Name: Vasu (means "bright, excellence")
Egyptan's Gender: male
Tribe: Watermark
Age : cub
Color: watermark
Personality: unknown
Mate: none
Other: Brother to Chanda and Ixchel
Abilities: Can dream-speak and shift shape and colors


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