My Egyptans

My Droas
My Egyptans
My Equines
My Felines
Other Worlds

Entering Phyrros's clearing, you notice an immeadiate rise in temperature. "Well, I guess I know what type this cub will be," you say softly. Looking around, you can see him playing among the fire. Startled, and wondering if he will burn him self, you start to go to him. That's when you notice that he's creating some of the fire that he's playing with. You then spot a sign with information on it. Heading over, you also discover a portal.


Egyptan's Name: Phyrros (means "flame-colored")
Egyptan's Gender: male
Tribe: Pyro
Parents: Wild
Age : cub
Color: Pyro
Personality: unknown
Mate: none
Other: can create flames at will, however, cannot control them yet!


Gwyene's Customs

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