My Egyptans

My Droas
My Egyptans
My Equines
My Felines
Other Worlds

Looking around, you see a winter wonderland. It's chilly, but not extremely so. Just enough to make you feel energized. You run through the snow, making snowballs and snowangels. Then you spot the scroll, and head on over to it. After reading it, you wonder if he will be a potential mate for Hershey . . .
Just then, you are tackled from behind. *Hi there!* the feisty teen says. *Want to come play in the snow with me? Oooo, look! It's starting to snow!* With that, he bounds off, running happily through the snow, catching snowflakes on his tounge. You stand there, amazed. This is the Egyptan that Hershey is so excited about? Then you see him slip, fall, get up, and keep right on bouncing along. Hershey suddenly appears from behind a tree, and runs to join Peppermint. He seems really caring about her, making sure that she doesn't fall, even when she playfully knocks him into a snowbank. Smiling, you turn and leave.


Egyptan's Name: Peppermint (like the candy)
Egyptan's Gender: male
Tride: Candy Cane
Parents: Wild
Age: cub
Color: candy cane
Personality: lovable and cheerful
Other: Loves to cozy up and watch the snow fall
Abilities: none yet


The Egyptan Pyramid

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