My Egyptans

My Droas
My Egyptans
My Equines
My Felines
Other Worlds

Looking around, you notice that everything is the color of chocolate. You stand there for a moment, completely amazed. It's starting to make you hungry. Seeing a scroll of the other side of the clearing, you head on over to it. You are greeted by Hershey, who invites you to join her in eating some chocolate. You agree, and when you're done, ask her if she's thought about a mate yet. *No,* she sighs, *Pratap and Paaie are together, and Phyrros likes Eire, and he likes playing with fire to much. Hopefully someday there will be an Egyptan that enjoys chocolate and just cuddling together.* With that, she jumps off of her pillow, and vanishes from sight.
Visiting Hershey again, she greets you excitedly. *There's another Egyptan, and he's so sweet!* When you ask her if she means literally, or figuratively, she giggles. *Both, I guess. He's a Peppermint Egyptan, and I know that he likes me too! We're just waiting for him to grow up some more.* She sighs, and vanishes from sight. Presumably, she's gone off to dream about this Peppermint Egyptan.


Egyptan's Name: Hershey (like the chocolate)
Egyptan's Gender: female
Tribe: Hot Fudge
Parents: Wild
Age : Teen
Color: hot fudge
Personality: lovable and calm, however, can have moments of hyperness
Mate: none
Other: Enjoys chocolate and cuddling
Abilities: Can induce either calmness or hyperness, feelings of love, kindness, or fellowship

Baby Pictures




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